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Traditional and Unusual Flowers

Traditional Flowers

Traditional Flowers by Cathy Sheehan

Alstromeria (Peruvian Lily)

Form: Spray
Length of Stem: Long
Color: Every color except blue
Special Features: Easy to grow in the garden, and long lasting
Buying: look for green foliage with 6 to 8 blooms per stem. Do not buy if  flowers are still buds, they will not open.
​Arranging: Use in mixed flower arrangements or by itself in a mass grouping. Remove all the lower leaves when arranging alstro as they will yellow.

Form: Spray (multiple blossoms on a single stem)
Length of Stem: Medium
Color: Every color except blue (dyed blue is available)
Special Feature: Long lasting
Buying:  If you wish to use the blooms individually choose sprays with long secondary stems. Check to see that the center of the bloom is hard and tight.
​Arranging:  Spray mums are attractive and great in vase arrangements where the stems are hidden. Wonderful in pomanders and floral spheres to give a mass of color.

Antirrhinum (Snap Dragon)

Form: Linear
Length of Stem: Medium and long
Color: Every color except blue
Special Feature: Easy to grow in the garden
Buying: Look for straight tips as bent ones will not straighten. Check that the stems are strong.
Arranging: Can be used in tall linear contemporary designs or in mixed flower arrangements as the informal linear flower.

Chrysanthemum - Single headed bloom (Mum)

Form: Spray (multiple blossoms on a single stem)
Length of Stem: Medium
Color: Every color except blue (dyed blue is available)
Special Feature: Long lasting
Buying:  If you wish to use the blooms individually choose sprays with long secondary stems. Check to see that the center of the bloom is hard and tight.
​Arranging:  Spray mums are attractive and great in vase arrangements where the stems are hidden. Wonderful in pomanders and floral spheres to give a mass of color.

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Dianthus - Standard Carnation

Form: Round
Length of Stem: Medium and long
Color: Every color except blue
Special Feature: Long lasting
Buying: Buy with petals that post slightly up rather than down. There should be no white stamens visible in the center of the bloom. Check that the calyx is green and not brown or cracked.
​Arranging:  If your carnation is small and tight, blow on it gently and squeeze the calyx to tease out the petals. It can double the size of your carnation. Cut stems between the nodes so that the stem can drink. For a contemporary look position the blooms together fro a wonderful mass of color, form, and texture.

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Gerbera (South African Daisy)

Form: Round
Length of Stem: Medium and long
Color: Every color except blue
Buying: The center of a Gerber can be either black or greenish-yellow. Gerberas are sensitive to bacteria so buy from clean buckets with clean water. Buy Gerber’s that are not crammed together as they are easily damaged. Do not buy if petals are missing or pollen is present in the center.
​Arranging:  Condition gerberas by cutting the stem with a sharp knife and placing the stem in a gerber straw to keep the stem straight. Gerberas are versatile flowers that work in most floral designs. The stems are quite soft, so handle Gerber’s with care.

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Helianthus (Sunflower)

Form: Round
Length of Stem: Medium and long
Color: Yellow
Special Feature: Easy to grow in the garden
Buying: Do not buy if the stems are bent and the blooms face downward. Avoid blooms with excessive pollen or missing petals. However sunflower centers minus the petals are often used. 
​Arranging: Sunflowers come in a wide range of sizes. Large heads will be heavy and require a strong vase with a wide base. Arrange with other robust flowers. When the petals fade, remove them and use the centers.

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Lilium Asiatic Hybrids
​(Asiatic Lily)

Form: Round, spray
Length of Stem: Medium and long
Colors: Cream, dark burgundy, orange, pink, red, white, yellow, bi-colors
Special Feature: Easy to grow in the garden. Long lasting
Buying: These inexpensive lilies do not have fragrance. Look for stems that are strong and vertical. But with some buds to watch them open.
​Arranging: As with all lilies you will need to remove the stamens because the pollen will stain. Use gloves or a tissue to pull the stamens gently out. Do not cut as it gives them an ugly sharp line.

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Lilium Oriental Hybrids
​​(Oriental Lily)

Form: Round, spray
Length of Stem: Medium and long
Color: Pink (Stargazer Lily), White (White Oriental Lily)
Special Feature: Easy to grow in the garden, fragrant, and long lasting. Can be fatal to cats if eaten.
Buying: Oriental lilies have beautiful, large heads and powerful fragrance. They are available with from two to ten heads on a stem. Purchase with buds to watch the open.
​Arranging: Pull the stamens to prevent the pollen from staining. These large impressive blooms work well in all designs calling for magnificent blooms.

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Matthiola (Stock)

Form: Linear
Length of Stem: Medium
Color: Cream, lavender, pink, purple, red, and white
Special Feature: Fragrant, easy to grow in the garden
Buying: Do not buy if the flowers are shriveled or brown
​Arranging:Remove most of the leaves as they are fleshy and will take water intended for  the flower. Change the water daily as the stems create a huge amount of bacteria which causes the water to smell and become cloudy. Stock looks lovely on its own or mixed with other flowers.

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Rosa (Rose)

Form: Round
Length of Stem: Short, medium, and long
​Color: Every color except blue (unless dyed), bi-color and multi-colored
Special Feature: Dries well, easy to grow in the garden, some varieties are fragrant.
Buying: Gently squeeze the widest part of the head to make sure it is firm. Do not buy if there are brown marks on the petals or if the stems are bent. Check that the petal tips are not bruised or dry. The number of thorns on a rose varies and does not indicate quality.
Arranging: The rose is the most popular flower in the world and can be arranged on its own or with just about any other flower. Roses need a generous water supply, but will last out of water for several days who used as Flower-to-Wear.

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Zantedeschia (Calla Lily)

Form: Linear
Length of Stem: Medium
Color: Every color except blue
Special Feature: Long Lasting
Buying: Check that the flower does not have brown marks as this indicates damage. Stems should be smooth and not slimy. Pollen indicates an old flower.
​Arranging: Calla’s soft stems are prone to bacteria, so place in a vase of shallow water and change the water daily. Due their soft stems avoid placing callas in floral foam. If you wish to have curved stems, leave the callas out of water for three or more hours. Recut the stems before arranging. Callas make quite a statement on their own but can be used with other blooms.

Unusual Flowers

Unusual Flowers by Cathy Sheehan

(Blue Mink)

Form: Spray
Length of Stem: Medium
​Color: Blue
Special Features:  Easy to Grow in the Garden, Long Lasting with Proper Care
Buying:  Look for a mix of open flowers and buds as this will last longer.
Arranging:  Excellent as a mounded flower in a mixed or garden design.  Beautiful blue hue that works well with similar colors or with contrasting colors.  Agertum gives a soft textural addition to any arrangement.

ALLIUM (Ornamental Onion)

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From:  Round
​Length of Stem:  Medium to Long
Colors:  Burgundy, Green, Pink, Purple, White, Yellow
Special Features:  Easy to Grow in the Garden, Long Lasting, Pungent
Buying:  Make sure flowers are not crushed, stems are not mushy and heads are not droopy.
Arranging:  Allium is pungent so avoid placing on the dining room table.  Allium makes a great statement flower for contemporary designs.  Change the water daily as bacteria from the stems spreads rapidly.

AMARANTHUS (Love-Lies-Bleeding)

Form:  Linear
Length of Stem:  Medium to Long
Colors: Burgundy, Green, Red, Gingery Brown
Special Features:  Easy to Grow in the Garden, Long Lasting
Buying:  Amaranthus comes either upright or hanging.  Avoid purchasing if there is any pollen drop.  Look at the foliage to see if it is fresh.
Arranging:  Mix Amaranthus with smooth textured flowers to give a contrast of textures.  Hanging Amaranthus looks good in tall vases and candelabras where the flowers can trail down.  Upright Amaranthus looks good in mixed bouquets where it adds texture.

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AMMI (Queen Anne’s Lace)

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Form:  Spray
​Length of Stem:  Long
Colors:  White, Cream, Black
Special Features:  Slight Fragrance 
Buying:  If treated correctly Ammi will last up to a week.  Once it droops it will not revive.
Arranging:  A great filler flower for large pedestal and vase designs. 

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ASCLEPIAS  (Butterfly Weed)

Form:  Spray
​Length of Stem:  Medium
Colors:  Orange, Dark Pink, Pale Pink, White
Special Features:  Easy to Grow in the Garden
Buying:  Make sure some of the flowers are open.  If it is all bud, it will not open.
Arranging:  The stems of Asclepias contain latex, which will block water from getting into the stem.  Burn the end of the stem for a few seconds to seal the milky liquid.  Asclepias has an awkward shape so it looks best mixed with round flowers of strength colors.

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 Form:  Round on a Spray
​Length of Stem: Long
Color: Lime Green
Special Features: Easy to Grow in the Garden
Buying:  Check the foliage to be certain it’s green and not brown.  Check the balls to make sure that they are intact and not crushed.
Arranging:  Bishop’s Balls can be placed in a tall vase by themselves, or the stems can be cut down so just a few balls can be used in a mixed arrangement.  If you love unusual looks, this is your flower.

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BRASSICA (Ornamental Cabbage)

Form:  Round
​Length of Stem:  Medium
Colors:  Cream, Green, Pink, Purple
Special Features:  Long Lasting, Pungent
Buying:  Brassica is a foliage rather than a flower.  I have included it here as it is often mistaken for and used as a flower.  Make sure the ends are not slimy and smelling of cabbage.  As it gets old the lower leaves turn yellow.
Arranging:  The large heads are useful for adding substance and volume to big designs.  Their gentle colors keep them from becoming too dominant in mixed designs.  Brassica can be dyed or glittered for holiday and party use.

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 Form: Round
​Length of Stem: Medium
Colors: Dark Pink, Light Pink, Lavender, Purple, Red, White, Yellow
Special Feature: Long Lasting
Buying: Look for stems with fresh green leaves that are not broken or yellowed.  Look for heads that stand upright and don’t droop
Arranging:  Matsumoto Asters work well in any mixed flower arrangement.

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CRASPEDIA (Billy Balls)

Form: Round
​Length of Stem: Long
Color:  Golden Yellow
Special Features:  Dries Well, Long Lasting
Buying:  Look for green stems, no pollen shedding and no gray mold.
Arranging:  Contemporary designers love Craspedia.  The flower heads are small, so they look nice grouped to make a stylized shape.

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CELOSIA (Crested and Plumed Cockscomb)

Form:  Round, Linear
Length of Stems:  Medium
​Colors:  Cerise, Lime Green, Orange, Pale Pink, Red, Salmon, Yellow
Special Features:  Dries Well, Long Lasting
Buying:  Celosia Argentea is the crested cockscomb which has a rounded form and is richly textured.  This variety is very susceptible to botrytis, so check for brown spots.  Celosia Plumosa has a pointed form (plumes).  
Arranging:  Celosia is the perfect flower if you want a rich, sumptuous, bold, textural color scheme with impact.  Combine with flowers that have a smooth texture for contrast.

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​(Sweet William)

Form: Round
​Length of Stem: Short to Medium
Colors: Burgundy, Green, Pink, Red, White, Bicolored
Special Features: Easy to Grow in the Garden, Long Lasting
Buying:  Purchase with the flowers open.  If they are too immature the flowers will not open.  Check to see that the stems are not broken.
Arranging:  Remove all foliage that will be under the water.  Sweet William looks delightful in mixed bouquets, hand ties, table centerpieces, vase arrangements, and it fills out any mixed arrangement.

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(Green Trick)

 Form: Round
​Length of Stem, Short to Medium
Color: Green
Special Features: Easy to Grow in the Garden, Long Lasting
Buying:  Check that there are no brown spots and that the stems are not broken.
Arranging:  Remove all foliage that will be under the water.  Green Trick works well in any style of arrangement, from vintage to contemporary.  Can be cut short or used long.  Works well grouped together to resemble moss in a contemporary design.  Can be used in vases or floral foam.  One of the most interesting and versatile flowers.

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ECHINACEA (Cone Flower)

Form: Round
​Length of Stem: Medium
Color: Brownish Orange
Special Features: Long Lasting, Dries Well
Buying:  Echinacea is an herbaceous, drought tolerant perennial.  Avoid buying flowers with brown spots.  Make sure the stems are strong and not bent.
Arranging:  Echinacea is widely used in mixed arrangements, but is also interesting in contemporary designs.  It is very popular in bridal bouquets and is a beautiful addition to hand held bouquets and boutonnière.

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ERYNGIUM (Sea Holly)

Form: Spray 
Length of Stem: Medium to Long
Colors: Grey Blue, Silver White
Special Features: Easy to Grow in the Garden, Dries Well
Buying:  Look for crisp leaves and petals.  None of the leaves should be yellow.
​Arranging:  Similar to Scottish Thistle and is often used in Scottish themed arrangements.  Frequently used in Boutonnieres and Corsages.  Looks good in arrangements with cream colors, soft pinks, purples and blues, where it adds great texture.

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EUSTOMA (Lisianthus)

 Form: SprayLength of Stem: Medium
Colors: Cream, Green, Mauve, Peach, Pink, Purple, White, Yellow and Bicolored
Special Features:  Long Lasting with Correct Care 
Buying:  There are many new varieties and colors of Lisianthus.  Check that there are no brown spots on the petals, which could be botrytis.  Number of flowers on a stem varies.  Lisianthus is a thirsty flower, so always condition it quickly.
Arranging:  Lisianthus can be mixed with most flowers expect stiff ones such as Protea.  Keep away from heat as Lisianthus will dry out quickly if not kept cool.

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(Globe Amaranth)

 Form: Round
​Length of Stem: Medium 
Colors: Dark Pink, Light Pink, Red, White
Special Features:  Long Lasting, Easy to Grow in the Garden
Buying:  Look for sturdy stems that are not bent.  Look for flowers that do not have brown spots or mold
Arranging: Great textural and color addition to any mixed bouquet.  Looks good arranged in a low cluster in modern design arrangements.

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HYPERICUM (Rose of Sharon)

 Form: Round on a Spray
​Length of Stem: Medium to Long
Colors: Orange, Red, Brown, Green, Pink, White, Yellow, Cream
Special Features: Easy to Grow in the Garden, Long Lasting
Buying:  Hypericum should be listed under fruits as it is not a flower. But it is so widely used in floral design, that I have included it with flowers.  Check how many fruits are on a stem.  There should never be black spots on the leaves.
Arranging:  Hypericum is an ideal accompaniment to all mixed flower bouquets for added texture.  They can be sprayed with leaf shine to give extra gloss and extend their life.  They are excellent wired for wedding work, boutonnières and corsages.

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Form: Linear
​Length of Stem: Long
Color: Tricolored Green Brown and Burgundy
Special Feature: Long Lasting
Buying:  Make sure the bracts are upright
Arranging:  Leucadendron is excellent in vase arrangements where it can last for months.  Can be used long and short if the leaves are removed.  Looks great with other South African flowers in a mix.

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LEUCOSPERMUM (Pin Cushion Protea)

 Form: Round
​Length of Stem: Medium
Colors: Orange, Yellow
Special Feature: Long Lasting
Buying:  Make sure that the leaves have a greenish tinge and that the stems are strong and will support the head
Arranging:  Pin Cushion Protea is ideal for bold contemporary work.  These flowers rarely wilt, so they are great for hot weather.  Do not shake as the head can break off from the stem.

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LIATRIS (Gayfeather)

 Form: Linear
Length of Stem: Medium to Long
Color: Purple
Special Feature: Long Lasting
Buying:  Check that the foliage is green and the stems are not mushy.  This flower opens from the top downwards.  Check that there is no mold.
Arranging:  The stems of Liatris a totally straight and can be arranged on their own with a frill of large leaves at the base, or they can be mixed with dramatic round flowers.  They are striking in graphic contemporary designs.

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MOLUCCELLA (Bells of Ireland)

 Form: Linear
​Length of Stem: Long
Color: Lime Green
Special Features: Long Lasting, Slight Fragrance
Buying:  Stems should be a bright lime green with strong stems that are not bent
Arranging: Bells of Ireland are lovely in mixed arrangements.  Moluccella have hollow stems that a wire can be inserted into to give added support or to creat interesting curved shapes.  Bells of Ireland look great in a vase surrounded with a lower ring of contrasting colors.

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Form: Round
​Length of Stem: Short to Medium
Color: Lime Green
Special Feature: Long Lasting
Buying:  Make sure stems are sturdy and globes are not crushed
Arranging:  Wonderful used in mixed flower bouquets for added texture.  Their unusual appearance works well in contemporary designs.

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PROTEA (Protea)

 Form: Round
​Length of Stem: Medium
Colors: Pink, Green
Special Feature: Long Lasting
Buying:  Check to see that there are no brown spots on the head or leaves.  Protea should be firm to the touch
Arranging:  Protea is a very impressive flower that looks good in an arrangement with other South African flowers.

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SCABIOSA (Pincushion Flower)

 Form: Round
​Length of Stem: Medium
Colors: Brown (Stellata)  Lavender, Pink, White 
Special Features:  Dries Well, Long Lasting (Stellata)
Buying:  The stems of Scabiosa are not robust, so check that they are not broken and the petals are intact.  The ball of the seed heads that follow the flower are round and brown with a papery texture.  The name of the seed head is Scabiosa Stellata
Arranging:  Scabiosa flowers look wonderful in a mixed garden arrangement.  You can float the flower heads in a glass bowl.  The Scabiosa seed heads are very popular and can be used for added interest and texture in any floral arrangement.

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SETARIA ITALICA (Foxtail Millet)

Form: Linear
​Length of Stem: Medium to Long
Color: Soft Greenish Brown
Special Features: Long Lasting, Dries Well
Buying:  Check to see that the Millet sprays are not moldy and the stems are strong and not broken
Arranging:  Foxtail Millet has a wonderful draping quality and looks good in mixed arrangement grouped to form a side drape.  Millet has a wonderful textural quality.  Looks nice spray painted for use in special holiday or event arrangement

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SOLIDAGO (Golden Rod)

 Form: Spray
​Length of Stem: Long
Color: Yellow
Special Feature:  Easy to Grow in the Garden
Buying:  Purchase stems with more open blossoms as the tight buds do not open.  The some rule applies to Solidaster which has star-shaped flowers that are slightly larger.
Arranging:  Solidago works well as a filler and works great with strong form round flowers, to give a contrast of form and textures.

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VERONICA (Veronica)

Form: Linear
​Length of Stem: Medium
Colors: Purple, Dark Pink, Blue, Pale Pink. White
Buying:  Do not buy Veronica that has floppy tips.  Check that the foliage does not look dry.
Arranging:  Veronica adds a gentle linear line to mixed bunches.  Very popular in bridal bouquets.

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 Form: Round
​Length of Stem: Medium to Long
Color: Golden Yellow with Pinkish Tones, Orange
Special Features: Long Lasting
Buying:  An exotic flower that looks like a beehive.  There should be not brown spots on the flower.  Does not like cold weather.
Arranging:  Zingiber Spectabile is a form of true ginger.  Most people think it is a Protea, since it has a similar shape.  Beehive ginger is heavy and often used low in arrangements.  Use as you would use a protea, or multiple beehives on their own in a sturdy vase with a wide bottom

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