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2024 Donation of Computers to School

Exciting news!! The Guild's 2024 Community Project of the donation of 10 refurbished Hewlett Packard desktop computers, monitors with height adjustable stands & mouse to the Saul Rodiles Pina school has been completed! They were delivered and installed at the school on Nov.4th with President Bonnie Newman in attendance representating the Lakeside Garden Guild. Please see attached photos of the event. Thanks to the LGG Membership for their hard work during the 2023 Floral show which allowed the Guild to have the funds to make this much appreciated donation to the school!

And special thanks to Susan Cole Bainbridge and Bonnie Newman for making this project happen!!


These are the computers that the Lakeside Garden Guild donated to the school in Ajijic whose students had no computers. Each year the Guild does one community project with the money we receive from our annual floral show.

2023 Recycling Project


1.  Replace the tarp tents at the Ajijic Recycling Center and also add a new one.

2.  Refinish with varnish and repair the foot bridge on the Ajijic Malecon.  The Guild repaired and upgraded this bridge a couple years for the Ajijic community.

Mary Bragg and Allegra Willis will continue to meet to follow through with these projects.

Recycle Center Photos

Slider gallery of our field trip to the Recycle Center. Click on photo to view.

Community Project Co-Leader Mary Bragg sent a letter to Michael Searles, President of the newly formed Ecología de Ribera Chapala, A.C. They have assumed operation of the Centro de Acopio in West Ajijic in March of this year. They have made significant progress toward organizing the Centro, with the goal of expanding the recycling efforts and increasing the volume of recycling. Their most pressing need is to replace the covers on the two open tents because the covers are very old and have multiple holes in them. These need to be replaced quickly before the rainy season. An additional tent is also needed. The three tents would cover three areas: the clear glass and plastic, the amber and green glass areas, and provide workers with shaded areas where they crush the glass. The tarps will keep the sun and rain off the recycled products.  Below is the Facebook page for the Recycle Center.

  • Facebook
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2020 Donations to Operation Feed and Food Bank

With a resounding endorsement from guild members, on Tuesday the Garden Guild disbursed these funds to both Operation Feed and Food Bank Lakeside.  Christine Phillipson, the woman who has spearheaded Food Bank Lakeside, was truly overwhelmed by our generosity.  She said this was their largest single donation to date and that it would be used immediately.

Thank Justine Bertram and her committee for supporting and assisting in making this happen so quickly.  Also thanks to Connie Hayes who came up with the original idea to make this our community project.  Connie also deserves a great deal of credit as she is currently working to put together an article for the Guadalajara Reporter despite being presented with some unique challenges because of the current situation.  Also, thanks to our treasurer Janine Kirkland who was able to dispense the funds so quickly even though she too faced some challenges overcoming changes in banking regulations.

Finally, thanks to you all for supporting this project so wholeheartedly.  We as Garden Guild members can be proud that we are truly making a significant difference in the lives of many of the less fortunate residents of the Lake Chapala area.

Monument Dedicaton

2018 Monument Dedication Ceremony

On Tuesday, March 27th, 2018 at 11:00 a.m. there was a dedication ceremony of the sculpture which now stands on the Ajijic malecon.  Designed and executed by  member Estela Hidalgo, this beautiful legacy of the Lakeside Garden Guild is the community project of our group for 2017/2018 and will enhance the malecon area for years to come.  Many thanks to Estela for this beautiful monument in memory of Juanita Reed. We appreciate Gayle McGraw and Bonnie Newman for planning and executing this event.

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2015 Bench Dedication

2015 Lakeside Garden Guild Bench Dedication

The Lakeside Garden Guild presented an additional two large iron benches to the Ajijic auditorium and the town of Ajijic on July 26, 2015.  They were placed directly across from the two benches that were given last year for the ongoing Communtiy Project that the Lakeside Garden Guild contributes each year.  In attendance from the Municipality of Chapala was Mtrz. Luz Mendoza Huerta, Regidora de Arte y Cultura del Municipio de Chapala, Secretaria Cultura del Estado de Jalisco; Lic. Angeles Noami Garcia Guzman, Encargada del Area de Capacitacion, direccion de Recursos Humanos, Secretaria de Cultura; Sr. Ruben Anaya, Representante por la Secretaria de Cultura en Guadalajara;Vicky corona,Sec. de Cultura del Jalisco.  Bonnie Newman, President of the Lakeside Garden Guild 2015, Estela Hidalgo, 2015 Community Project Chairman.

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2014 Bench Dedication

2014 Lakeside Garden Guild Bench Dedication

The Lakeside Garden Guild presented a gift of two large, green, iron benches to the Ajijic Auditorium and the town of Ajijic on September 6, 2014.  They were placed at an advantageous site in the front entrance section.  This is the ongoing Community Contribution from the Lakeside Garden Guild to the township of Ajijic.  In attendance from Chapala was Lic. Maria de la Luz Mendoza, the Regidora de Cultura Municipal de Chapala, Secretaria Cultura del Estado de Jalisco, Vicky Corona and Averial Miller, the 2014 President of the Lakeside Garden Guild.  Thirty members from the Lakeside Garden Guild also attended the celebration.

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Wipe Out Graffiti

Wipe Out Graffiti

2009 Wipe Out Graffiti

For its 2009 Community Project, the Guild voted to help keep Lakeside beautiful by trying to clean up graffiti.  Guild women have spent countless hours painting graffiti with a donation of 62,000 pesos during 2009-2010.

Because of the importance of the project, the Garden Guild’s project was continued for a second year.  However, the Guild voted in 2010 to change the emphasis of the project.  Due to the magnitude of the on-going graffiti vandalism, cost, organizational time, and manpower required to clean graffiti, the Guild realizes that the problem cannot be solved over the long term by a small group of women.   The direction of the project changed from just cleaning graffiti to an effort to engage the entire community in the project, so that the project could continue over the long term.


Graffiti is a problem that cannot be solved by just one entity.   It requires the entire community--local government agencies, police, schools, business, clubs, organizations, individuals, and neighborhoods--working collectively.  In addition to the 2009 graffiti clean-up, during the first four months of 2010, approximately 100+ patches of graffiti were cleaned.  

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